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A sneaky enemy, stealing our memories and ability to function without us even realizing it.
Terrifyingly, Arizona State University scientists recently confirmed that 9 out of 10 Americans have already fallen victim to this
pandemic.As you read this page, your cognitive function may also be under attack.
But a newly discovered 10-second morning ritual is helping American seniors to reverse their aging brains.
Giving them back their independence and ability to enjoy crystal clear memories, razor-sharp wits, and laser focus.
*The newly found cause of memory decline and how to protect your brain from it.
*The 10-second morning ritual giving seniors their lives and mental sharpness back.
*And how a near-fatal truck accident led me to find a VITAL nutrient that 90% of Americans lack in their diet.
For years, I had the power of a photographic memory.
These skills helped me earn multiple doctorates, master's, and bachelor's degrees.
My memory was my treasure—it was sharp and allowed me to live a life full of joy, freedom, and independence.
I had it all…
Just like they did for me.
I began forgetting names, struggled to find simple words, and found it impossible to focus on my work.
Suddenly, those “senior moments” didn’t seem so trivial anymore.
If any of my loved ones mentioned my forgetfulness or made a joke about it - I’d change the subject.
But what I didn’t realize at the time…
…Was that this sudden onset of memory issues would nearly get me hit and killed by a truck!
And then lead me to discover the root cause of memory decline...
...And, the simple 10-second morning ritual that protects your brain, eliminates brain fog, and repairs lost memories.
It was a Tuesday morning, just like any other...
I had promised my wife I'd pick up some groceries after I finished my morning walk.
It was a route I'd taken a hundred times before.
2.2 miles to the store and back.
I remember tying my shoelaces, giving her a peck on the cheek, and stepping out into the crisp morning air, the list she'd given me folded
neatly in my pocket.
But after about half mile... something happened.
My mind went COMPLETELY blank, and I froze. Rooted and terrified to the spot.
The familiarity of the route, the purpose of my trip, and the items I needed to buy – all vanished like smoke into thin air.
Panic set in as I frantically struggled to grasp at the threads of my memory.
And the more I desperately scrambled to remember where I was going and why I was there - the less I could remember.
Streets and landmarks I should have recognized after years of living in this neighborhood were now foreign to me…
And I walked around in circles for hours…
The next thing I knew, I was on a remote dirt road, surrounded by fields, with no idea how I got there or where I was supposed to be going.
My heart was pounding, my hands shaking…
When suddenly, my phone rang…
I was looking around and couldn’t find any discernable landmark. My breathing was rapid and shallow.
And my eyes were welled up with tears.
Thankfully I recognized my wife’s voice, but I was too ashamed to admit I had no idea where I was.
I was no longer the former brilliant doctor.
This person I’ve been my whole life has been slowly slipping away.
I felt this heaviness in my chest as I said, “Honey, I…I don’t know.”
I felt terrified to think I was no longer self-sufficient. Was I about to become a terrible burden on my family?
Right as a huge haulage truck was hurtling towards me.
The driver furiously hammered his horn and slammed on his brakes—thankfully before he hit me. The driver was 6ft 4 and about 300lbs, so, I
was EXTREMELY grateful he noticed my state and didn't smack me for being so stupid.
He helped me call my wife and waited with me until she arrived.
When she ran into my arms, I struggled to find my words.
The shame and fear choked my words as she thanked the truck driver and guided me back home.
For weeks I didn’t leave the house.
My wife, my partner in life, felt too scared to let me go out alone.
I could still function, but I was still struggling with my memories.
Maybe it was the shock of that day. Or maybe my memory was continuing to fade.
I was the man who had earned three advanced degrees, written over 100 books, and run multiple businesses.
Now, I couldn't trust my own mind to function properly.
I wasn’t completely gone, but I could feel my memory fading with each passing day.
I was losing myself and my mind, and I had no idea how to stop it.
So I decided to see a neurologist.
He immediately sent me for brain scans and a full workup.
After waiting around for a few hours, he called me back into his office.
"Dr. Duckett, your brain looks fine except for certain areas that seem to be shrinking."
I didn't hear much after that.
But I later learned that one section pertaining to memory and learning was actually shrinking…and QUICKLY!
Sure, aging can cause the brain to shrink slightly.
It loses volume year after year. But, what was making this process accelerate out of control?
The neurologist pointed to dark spots riddled throughout the image—dead zones where once-lively brain cells used to be.
No wonder my memory was full of maddening gaps.
My brain looked like Swiss cheese.
Names, faces, words - all were harder to remember no matter how hard I tried to recall them.
The thought of my brain shriveling away, losing precious neural connections, terrified me.
He ran test after test but couldn't pinpoint the cause.
Then he did what all doctors do - he whipped out his prescription pad and scribbled down a few medications; in my case, it was Zoloft and
He claimed these medications would help with my symptoms...BUT...
So, I pressed him on how these drugs would fix my shrinking brain. He couldn't give me a straight answer.
When I got home, I decided to look up the side effects of the prescribed medications.
And what I found shocked me.
Potential risks like insomnia, nausea, loss of sex drive, anxiety, and suicidal thoughts.
How could these drugs possibly help me?
But I was desperate and willing to try anything so I started taking them.
Within days, my neck was so rigid I could barely turn my head.
The headaches came in throbbing waves, interrupting my sleep and focus. And I couldn’t eat more than a piece of fruit without being physically ill.
I called the doctor to complain about these disabling side effects. But he just wanted to switch me to different meds to "see what works."
It was clear he had no real solution to offer me.
His useless excuses infuriated me.
Being a doctor myself, I needed to know why precious brain cells were dying, and why the memory part of my brain was withering away before
my eyes.
I couldn't believe this so-called expert had no clue how to stop the rapid decay of my mind.
And that’s when I realized that if I wanted my brain back, I’d have to take matters into my own hands.
From that moment on, I spent every waking moment diving into the research.
Digging into decades of scientific research clinical trials and reading countless articles.
I searched for anything at all that could help me overcome my cognitive decline.
And after months of relentless research, I was no closer to finding an answer… But then it happened…
Completely worn out and on the verge of giving up…
One evening, moments before I logged off the internet, I clicked on a Google link titled… “Brain Malnutrition & Proof of Cognitive Decline”
It was a research Paper Published In The Journal of Neuroendocrinology.
A landmark review from by researchers from the University of Heidelberg in Germany.
It analyzed over 20 major studies, which all pointed to a new suspect in the cause of accelerated brain function loss - Brain Malnutrition!
That’s right…
And one of the main reasons doctors diagnose 10 million people worldwide with Alzheimer's every year.
You may have heard of people starving to death from lack of food. But, many die from malnutrition despite eating a lot. You see it's not the
volume of food that's important.
It's whether your body is getting the nutrients it needs to thrive.
If you don’t get enough specific nutrients, your body starts breaking down.
And if you can't get vital nutrients into your brain, your brain begins to decay too.
Sometimes, SBS can strike quickly and without warning, resulting in a rapid aging of the brain.
A starving brain causes harmful inflammation and toxic chemicals that effectively "cook" it.
This inflammation disrupts vital communications and your brain's control center quickly starts to short-circuit.
The result?
At first symptoms like losing your car keys, forgetting people’s names and struggling to find simple words.
And eventually life-altering loss of memory and your ability to function properly.
But what didn’t make sense to me was WHY?
WHY had this happened to me when I ate so well?
WHY is nobody talking about this in the media?
HOW can malnutrition be an issue in the Western world in 2024?
I was shocked as I dug more into the studies. And then sad.
And then incensed with rage.
You see…so many of us are suffering with rapidly aging brains for one main reason…
Our food system is broken and it’s dramatically impacting our brains.
What we eat today isn’t as healthy as it used to be.
Nowhere near in fact!
Even when we try to eat “healthy,” our brains still don’t get the nutrients they need to work properly.
Here’s why:
Choline is a vital nutrient.
The liver makes it and it's found in foods like eggs, broccoli, beans, meat, and poultry.
Getting enough Choline is key to good brain health.
Alarmingly, over 90% of Americans don’t consume enough of it to meet even half the recommended daily levels.
They found that choline deficiency causes brain changes linked to Alzheimer's.
These changes involve the formation of amyloid plaques, which build up between neurons, and tau tangles, which develop inside neurons—both
of which are hallmark signs of the disease.
As I kept digging into the research, what I uncovered became even more disturbing.
A study from Emory University published in the prestigious journal Neurology found that our modern world is filled with toxins that can
increase damage to the brain cells over time.
Processed foods contain chemical preservatives like sodium nitrite and artificial flavors that disrupt hormone balance and cause
Constant exposure to polluted air and radiation from our electronics also increases brain inflammation and degeneration.
Even our daily routines expose us to a cocktail of brain inflammation toxins - from air pollution and cleaning chemicals to compounds
leaching from plastics, fast food, bath and beauty products, and the list can go on.
If the brain is malnourished, it can’t properly remove the toxins and inflammation, continuously choking off connections between brain
Areas critical for memory formation are especially vulnerable. MRI scans show that environmental toxins, high inflammation, and malnutrition
shrink the brain's memory areas.
In the Neurology study, people with the most malnourished brains had an average of 18% higher brain inflammation than those getting the
proper brain food.
Researchers from Johns Hopkins and Duke University published a separate study in Neurology that found a link between long-term Starving
Brain Syndrome and serious brain decline.
The truth is years before your symptoms begin…
Looking back, although I thought I was eating a decent diet and taking vitamins, I now realize I wasn’t giving the brain the exact nutrients
it needed to remain healthy and highly functioning.
My severe forgetfulness and not wanting to face the fact I was losing my memory only accelerated what was already happening in my brain.
My stressful life required more specific nutrients to keep my brain working at an elevated level for the long haul.
Yes, I did eat Wendy’s on the go occasionally.
Unfortunately, they were laced with toxins, which created more brain malnutrition.
And while I was expecting that the answer would be extremely complicated or involve some experimental drug…
To my surprise…
The more clear it became, just as brain malnutrition has been shown to wreak havoc on your brain's structure and function...
…Consuming some precise brain nutrients can counteract this damage.
With this, I focused on ways to give the brain cells what they need to stay healthy, reduce inflammation, and regenerate daily.
And soon, I found a handful of natural compounds that can do EXACTLY that.
And with regular use, it's like you've found missing files on your mental hard drive. Names, dates, and conversations come flooding back in
vivid color.
Improved brain nutrition keeps your brain young while lowering stress and calming inflammation.
This allows your brain to rebuild in a more healthy environment.
Cells regenerate, and functions reawaken.
It is like giving your brain the care it needed but never got because you didn't know better until now.
Rather than masking symptoms, these compounds get to the source of memory decline – brain malnutrition.
These specially selected nutrients fortify the brain's defenses, shielding it from stress, toxins, and aging’s relentless assault.
And evidence from prestigious journals affirms their ability to safeguard delicate neural structures.
So, if you find yourself struggling mentally—forgetting names, missing appointments, having difficulty learning new things, or just feeling
a little in a fog—please know there is hope.
This is not an inevitable decline in your thinking.
By addressing starving brain with science-backed compounds, you can begin to take back control of your brain’s health starting today.
...then I'll show you a unique way to incorporate them into your life to harness ALL of their potent memory-enhancing benefits.
However, before I do, I recommend you get ready with a pen and paper, just like I did, so you can jot down these invaluable insights.
Now, the first nutrient is…
Phosphatidylserine is a crucial compound that's been shown to have a significant impact on your cognitive health.
You see, phosphatidylserine plays a vital role in maintaining cellular function in the brain...
And it's been found to be particularly effective in lowering cortisol levels.3
In fact, a groundbreaking study in the Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition discovered that supplementing with
phosphatidylserine slashed the cortisol response by a staggering 39%...
A comprehensive review in Alternative Medicine Review highlighted its ability to enhance memory, learning, concentration, word recall, and
even mood in people facing age-related cognitive decline.
And a double-blind controlled study published in Acta Neurologica Scandinavica showed that phosphatidylserine
improved daily living activities, such as dressing and verbal expression, in patients with advanced cognitive decline.
In other words, it gave them back their independence.
And maybe most compelling of all...
A clinical trial featured in the journal Neurology revealed that a daily dose of phosphatidylserine significantly
enhanced your ability to learn and recall names, faces, numbers, and even whole paragraphs in those with age-related memory
And for those with more advanced cognitive challenges...
A separate study also published in Neurology found that Phosphatidylserine rejuvenates brain function to the level of someone 12 years
This transformation from the inside out isn't a fantasy.
With phosphatidylserine, the research shows it can be your new reality.
Those missing keys and elusive names no longer humiliate you.
You mesmerize others with your command of fine details from decades past.
Age-related mental fatigue is foreign to you now. Your thoughts sparkle with clarity, flowing smoothly from sharp recall to keen insight.
Phosphatidylserine rewinds your cognitive clock, letting you enjoy youth-like brain function regardless of your age.
And that’s just the first compound I discovered, capable of fortifying your aging mind.
The next compound is…
Now, you might not have heard of DMAE before, but let me tell you, the research behind this compound is nothing short of amazing.
You see, DMAE is a naturally occurring substance that plays a crucial role in the production of acetylcholine – a vital
chemical in your brain that's essential for memory, learning, and even muscle function.
In one landmark review published in Trends in Neuroscience, researchers found that DMAE can speed up the production of acetylcholine.
This means that it has the potential to significantly enhance your cognitive abilities, especially as you age.
But that's not all.
This increase in choline translates directly into more acetylcholine.
And for those struggling with brain fog and lack of focus, DMAE has been shown to make a real difference.
Research in Activitas Nervosa Superior revealed that users of
DMAE report better memory, focus, clarity, and even sleep – all thanks to the cholinergic effects that produce the
brain chemicals needed for mental sharpness.
Just think about that for a moment...
DMAE gives you a sharper memory and clearer thinking…
It also helps you wake up feeling refreshed and ready to tackle the day.
And in a double-blind, placebo-controlled trial published in the European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology. Scientists found that DMAE
improved attention and concentration by up to 54% in just 4 weeks.
And for those who need rapid results, a study in Psychopharmacology found that just 3 weeks of DMAE supplementation enhanced recall memory
by up to 55%.
While research in the American Journal of Psychiatry showed that DMAE lessened distraction and confusion by up to 74% in just 6 weeks,
leading to massive improvements in focus.
Together, these two compounds reignite your cognitive function.
With phosphatidylserine, decades of accumulated brain fog can evaporate. Your mind will feel sharply focused and decades younger, with
effortless recall of names, details, and conversations. Age-related mental fatigue becomes a distant memory as your thoughts flow smoothly
once more.
DMAE helps to clear away distractions and mental confusion in a matter of weeks. With enhanced focus and
energy, your thinking becomes razor-sharp. New information sticks readily in your rejuvenated mind. And you wake up feeling mentally
refreshed and dialed in like your younger self.
And that’s just the first two compounds.
The next compound is…
This essential nutrient is a game-changer when it comes to brain health, and here's why:
One study in the Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences discovered that supplementing with choline restored levels of critical enzymes
in the hippocampus. These enzymes are responsible for synthesizing acetylcholine, which, as you’ve learned, is key for
memory and cognitive function.
A review in the book Nutrition and Traumatic Brain Injury shows that choline impacts acetylcholine and dopamine function, with studies
demonstrating increased dopamine receptors and improved memory impairment.
Human studies have even shown that
choline improved outcomes like consciousness level, function, and memory and shortened hospital stays after a stroke.
The next compound I discovered in my research is…
This compound is crucial for your brain cells' power generator, the mitochondria. It also helps them convert fats into energy and clears out
harmful waste.
Research published in the International Journal of Molecular Sciences shows that low levels of
L-carnitine have been associated with a wide range of health problems.
And when it comes to cognitive health, L-carnitine is a game-changer.
A double-blind placebo-controlled trial published in Dementia and Neurocognitive Disorders found that L-carnitine significantly improved
overall cognitive function.
And it's not just about improving cognitive function. L-carnitine supplementation has been shown to reverse age-related changes in your
cells and improve learning patterns.
The next compound I discovered during my research was…
This vital nutrient plays a key role in brain health and function.
Just like with the previous compounds we've discussed...
Research shows that most people might not be getting enough Pantothenic Acid...
And, when your body's not receiving enough of this essential vitamin...
It leads to a deficiency in coenzyme A production, which is crucial for maintaining the fatty acids that make up a significant portion of
the brain.
Multiple studies have also shown that Pantothenic Acid can have a very noticeable effect on cognitive health, too.
In one scientific review published in Activa Neurologica Taiwanica, researchers referred to Pantothenic Acid as a "brain health
And in a major study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition involving over 22,000 participants, researchers found that
adequate intake of Pantothenic Acid reduced the risk of brain function decline by up to 75%.
That brings me to the final compound…
DLPA is a powerhouse nutrient for enhancing brain function.
This amino acid helps regulate dopamine, one of your brain's key messengers.
Dopamine allows neurons to communicate smoothly so you can think clearly and experience motivation and drive.
But as we age, dopamine production can falter.
Research in Neuropsychopharmacology shows DLPA helps maintain healthy dopamine levels. And assists in synthesizing this vital
neurotransmitter to keep your brain humming.
And multiple clinical trials have found that DLPA supplementation can be very effective in improving mood and cognitive function as well...
Even if you've been struggling with brain fog, memory loss, and lack of focus for years…
DLPA is a powerhouse nutrient for enhancing brain function.
This amino acid helps regulate dopamine, one of your brain's key messengers.
Dopamine allows neurons to communicate smoothly so you can think clearly and experience motivation and drive.
But as we age, dopamine production can falter.
Research in Neuropsychopharmacology shows DLPA helps maintain healthy dopamine levels. And assists in synthesizing this vital
neurotransmitter to keep your brain humming.
And multiple clinical trials have found that DLPA supplementation can be very effective in improving mood and cognitive function as well...
Even if you've been struggling with brain fog, memory loss, and lack of focus for years…
In total, I discovered six brain-boosting ingredients that focus on the elimination of harmful high cortisol levels and the rejuvenation of neural pathways…
With phosphatidylserine, decades of brain fog evaporate. Your mind becomes sharply focused and years younger, with effortless recall. Mental fatigue disappears as thoughts flow smoothly again.
DMAE clears distractions and confusion within weeks. Thinking becomes razor-sharp, and new information readily sticks. You wake up mentally refreshed and focused.
Choline restores crucial enzymes for memory and cognition. It enhances dopamine function and improves outcomes after injury.
L-carnitine powers your brain cells’ mitochondria, converting fat to energy. It slows decline by supporting acetylcholine and providing neuroprotection.
Pantothenic acid is a brain health powerhouse. It maintains fatty acids crucial for avoiding atrophy. And reduces cognitive decline risk by up to 75%.
And DLPA regulates dopamine synthesis for clear thinking and motivation. It lifts brain fog and enhances mood and memory, getting your brain humming.
With these brain-nourishing ingredients and the proper method to incorporate them, I could begin my journey of combating memory loss, improving focus
and attention, and eventually paving the way to a healthy brain.
I knew these ingredients would work, but what I didn’t know was a problem…
It was nearly impossible to verify the quality of the more commonly found versions of these ingredients.
And finding them in the correct medicinal doses proved nearly impossible.
What you often find in stores or places like Amazon are just cheap ingredients packed in fancy bottles designed to make a good profit for
the seller.
Aside from that, who wants dozens of supplement bottles crowding their kitchen tables?
I wanted something more.
And I wanted to help other people to experience the improvement in brain function I was enjoying!
But this time I brought in some experts to help me.
The first was one of my oldest college friends.
A business genius who had taken his deep expertise in natural health and opened a natural health manufacturing company.
The next was one of the leading memory scientists in the world - Susan Courtney.A legend in her field, Susan chaired the Psychological and
Brain Sciences Department at the renowned John Hopkins.
If anyone could help me figure out a solution to save my brain…it would be them!
"Guys, I've come across something... it's either a wild goose chase or the answer to many people’s prayers.”
Their curiosity was piqued, and they agreed to help me work on a solution that could help anyone struggling with brain health decline.
We exchanged a flurry of calls and emails, each one more intense than the last...
Research papers filled with data, links to other research papers, and my own frantic annotations...
I shared with them the full story of how I had gotten lost on that dirt road, how I was nearly killed by the truck, and how my memory lapses
were becoming more frequent.
How it all led to an unwavering resolve to understand the root cause behind it and find a natural way to combat my cognitive decline…
And with that, we jumped head first into the process… …and with their expertise, we maximized the potency and boosted both absorption and
bioavailability (how the brain absorbs the supplements)!
And finally, after 12 years of research and what felt like an eternity of theories and conjectures...
Their tone had shifted, no longer just humoring an old friend's hunch...
There was a palpable excitement in their words, a sense of discovery that couldn't be contained...
Susan beamed " I think we we have found the final missing pieces. It should work, but we won’t know until someone tests it”
So, I said, of course, I’ll try it first. I’ll be the one to figure out how good this is.
We put together the formulation, and a few weeks later I held in my hand the first bottle of this potent formula.
A Simple Daily Supplement That Could Reawaken Your Brain's Sharpness Clearing the Fog and Sharpening Your Mind...
The first week, I didn’t see a drastic difference.
I might have been a bit less foggy in the morning. I probably remembered a couple more things than usual.
But, I didn't feel a real difference.
But I was determined to continue taking them because I knew we were onto something.
I knew I had to give it a shot or the right amount of time to actually say this did or didn’t work.
Within just a couple of weeks, I could feel my mind becoming sharper.
My memory seemed to return to me quicker, and my thoughts were clearer than ever before.
When my two college friends who had helped me with the formula came to visit for the weekend.
As we talked, the memories and ideas flowed freely, and my mind was sharper than ever.
We vividly recalled hilarious stories about when we would hang out in the lab in college and then go out drinking for the night.
We laughed and told stories for quite a while. It felt great to have my mind back!
Two weeks later, I was at the store with my wife and found myself taking things off the shelf and putting them in the basket before my wife
could even call them off of her grocery list.
I remembered her favorite items and brands. I didn’t even need to look at the grocery list.
My wife smiled and said, “You’re staying two steps ahead of me. You have memorized the shopping list.”
I proudly smiled and said, I have an excellent memory again.
She hugged me and said, “I love you.”
At that moment, she knew she didn’t have to care for me anymore, and I was myself again.
I was her husband again.
I felt my thoughts continue to get stronger each day.
Conversations that once were hard for me because I didn’t have the memory now flowed effortlessly.
I started learning new things. I decided to start playing piano.
I went on the Internet, bought a piano course, and within a short period, I played some of my favorite songs—by memory!
The cognitive struggle seemed to melt away. Memories long forgotten came back into renewed focus.
My mind was regenerating, every brain cell connection growing more vibrant.
This daily supplement didn't just clear away the cobwebs - it was rejuvenating my brain from the inside out.
Watching my own cognitive struggles vanish was enlightening. But I knew my journey was just beginning. Too many people were still suffering in
silence, as I had.
I made it my mission to share this gift - to let others reclaim their minds. With help from my friends and some of the top
scientists in the world, we perfected the formula, unlocking each ingredient's highest potency and bioavailability.
The result is a simple morning habit that transcends age and fully liberates your cognitive potential.
The cost savings are immense and the days of your financial means determining your mental destiny are over.
We made sure that the formula fits every budget.
And I’m excited to finally bring this to the world.
And while my struggle has ended, the real work has just begun.
Far too many people go through each day stuck in a dense mental fog, their clarity and potential trapped. Names, places, details - all
begin to fade.
They assume that cognitive decline is inevitable, just another cruel part of aging.
This false belief resigns millions to a diminished existence, their vitality fading year by year.
But by addressing the true cause, instead of just symptoms, brain rejuvenation and renewal is possible.
And the key to unlocking your cognitive potential is now within reach.
Super Memory Formula is a groundbreaking, research-supported, brain health breakthrough that helps you unlock your brain's full potential and easily remember the most important moments of your life, even as you age.
Everyone who’s tried the Super Memory Formula can't stop raving about it...
The buzz is growing louder because...
No other brain health supplements out there seem to address the root cause of memory loss…
And that's why so many memory improvement products simply don’t work.
But those who use Super Memory Formula...
They see results.
Like Sarah J. for instance. She says,
“I have always struggled with memory issues. I was constantly forgetting things and it was affecting my daily life. I decided to try Super
Memory Formula after reading all the reviews and I’m so glad I did! Now, I feel more mentally sharp and my memory has improved
significantly. This product truly works!!! I highly recommend this product!"
And then we have Fred P. who says,
“After taking this formula my recall has improved dramatically. It used to be difficult for me to remember names and important dates, but
now they come to me easily. I would never go back to my old ways, this product has been a lifesaver!"
Finally, there’s Maria L. who had this to share,
“I was skeptical at first. However, after reading the testimonials I knew I had to give this a try. Ever since I started experiencing memory
loss, life had been a struggle. After a few days of taking the Super Memory Formula, I can definitely notice a difference in my cognitive
abilities. I am a firm believer of this formula and certainly prefer it over any prescription medication."
Now, you can experience this too...
…a life free from the fear of losing your cherished memories and sense of identity…
…a life free from the constant worry that you are losing your mental sharpness...
With Super Memory Formula, you can reclaim control over your brain health and future.
If you are experiencing memory loss, your quality of life is at stake.
It’s that simple.
Study after study shows that high cortisol levels can significantly contribute to cognitive decline.
But it doesn't have to be this way…
Each dose of Super Memory Formula gives you the potential to boost your memory function, mental energy, and focus.
Now at this point, you might be wondering how to get your hands on Super Memory Formula...
And how often you should take it for the best results.
To be honest…
I wish it was easier for folks to gain access to this breakthrough...
Because my goal in creating Super Memory Formula is to allow every adult concerned about their cognitive health to regain their mental
sharpness and preserve their precious memories…
Because that’s when your cortisol levels begin to climb, ultimately reaching critical heights and pushing your mental sharpness and memory
recognition to an all-time low.
So low, that any moment you may end up like I did…
Struggling to remember your loved ones, gasping for that familiar connection, and praying that your cherished memories do not fade into
I never want to see you go through this.
Now, even though my mission is to assist as many people as I can to address the cortisol overload that’s causing your memory worries…
The reality is that every bottle of Super Memory Formula needs to be produced in a fully accredited, state-of-the-art GMP Certified
A meticulous process that ensures each bottle is kept fresh and potent.
And because Super Memory Formula is packed with ingredients proven to lower cortisol levels, support cognitive function and boost mental energy…
Because they never again want to feel the STRESS and WORRY of walking around with the fear of losing their precious memories and mental
This has made Super Memory Formula extremely popular, creating a huge demand for our production.
Unfortunately, due to the current global supply chain issues, it often takes up to 6 months or more to custom-create each batch...
However, I do not want anyone to lose sleep, worrying about their declining cognitive function.
That’s why in the next few moments…
I’ll also show you how you can try it today risk-free…
It’s all part of our new Save The Minds of America campaign.
But first, let me answer that other question:
How much Super Memory Formula do you need to take? That’s simple…
Just take 4 easy-to-swallow capsules in the morning, for a minimum of 30 days.
And the reason why it’s important that you take Super Memory Formula for at least 30 days is that while the cortisol-lowering ingredients
inside Super Memory Formula start working almost immediately…
Scientific studies have shown that the longer and more consistently you take each of these ingredients, the healthier your brain and
memory function will be…
So, while some of the ingredients start working in a matter of a few hours, others don’t reach their peak effectiveness for weeks or
even months.
That’s not to say that these ingredients won’t help your brain during the first week – they will…
It just means that the longer you keep using these ingredients…
The more power you’ll have against the chronic cortisol that is currently damaging your brain.
Plus, the more you take Super Memory Formula...
"Guys, I've come across something... it's either a wild goose chase or the answer to many people’s prayers.”
Their curiosity was piqued, and they agreed to help me work on a solution that could help anyone struggling with brain health decline.
We exchanged a flurry of calls and emails, each one more intense than the last...
Research papers filled with data, links to other research papers, and my own frantic annotations...
I shared with them the full story of how I had gotten lost on that dirt road, how I was nearly killed by the truck, and how my memory lapses
were becoming more frequent.
People Who Now Swear by Super Memory Formula as a Game-Changer.
And today, this is your golden opportunity to join them!
Now, for your information, Super Memory Formula is exclusively available on this website…
While the stocks last…
And as long as I’m able to keep this webpage up.
Because I fully expect some skepticism from those who believe that cognitive decline is inevitable with age and nothing can be done about it…
Because they’d be shocked to hear that a simple, science-backed solution from a regular guy like me is challenging the billion-dollar pharmaceutical
Thanks to your struggle with memory, they've been able to enjoy luxury lifestyles, lavish vacations, and the prestige that comes with
But with Super Memory Formula, those days are over.
This is why they want to take this letter off the web as soon as possible.
So if you’re here right now and there are bottles of Super Memory Formula in stock…
It’s crucial that you act promptly and secure your order while the opportunity is still knocking.
Any delay, even just a few hours, could lead to disappointment when you return to this page only to find a "Sold Out" notice.
Because after all, using Super Memory Formula will make you feel rejuvenated, as if you've unlocked a hidden portion of your brain
that was dormant, buried under the stress of age and life.
Plus, every day that you take your dose of Super Memory Formula is another day of living with peace of mind.
Because you’ll know with absolute certainty that you’re doing everything within your power to keep your brain healthy and your
memory sharp.
Considering all this, you’d understand why my team and I initially considered setting the price of this revolutionary formula at
$149 per bottle…
Which, would be extremely fair…
Especially when you consider the fact that cognitive decline is an increasingly common issue and that every day, people suffer the
profound loss of precious memories and mental sharpness…
The emotional and financial cost of professional care and support can be overwhelming, often amounting to thousands of dollars even
with the best insurance plans.
But this isn’t about making a profit for me.
It’s about being grateful that I was given a second chance and an opportunity to make a difference.
When I realized my own memory was declining and the impact it had on my daily life, my world nearly came crashing down…
The real victim was not just me, but all my near and dear ones who had to witness my struggle.
You don't have to go through the same harrowing experience.
And that's exactly why, if you decide to take action right now…
And say “YES” to the powerful "brain booster..."
You won’t need to spend $149 for a bottle…or even $99…
Many studies have shown that the longer you use the ingredients inside Super Memory Formula, the more benefit you can derive from them...
And because many people have been purchasing multiple bottles of Super Memory Formula at a time to share with their family and friends...
My team and I have created an even more substantial discount opportunity for you...
Right now, when you stock up on 6 bottles of Super Memory Formula...
Instead of paying $59 per bottle...
That price drops to just $39! That's a saving of $20 per bottle!
Additionally, you'll get free shipping too.
So, why wait? Jump-start your journey towards improved cognitive function now...
By clicking on one of the packages of Super Memory Formula that you see on this page and placing your order.
The 6-bottle package means you’re getting a full 6-month supply of Super Memory Formula…
Plus the biggest savings…
And no matter whether you choose the most popular 6 bottle package or you decide to start with 3 bottles or even 1 bottle…
You’ll still be making a decision today that is 100% Risk-Free. Because…
Here's how it works…
First, simply select one of the packages you see below…
Following that…
You’ll be directed to my 100% secure and encrypted checkout page where you’ll input your shipping and billing details, then confirm your order.
Your supply of Super Memory Formula will be shipped directly to your doorstep, from our US-based warehouse, and you’ll receive it in
approximately 3-5 business days.
Upon receipt of your bottles of Super Memory Formula, I urge you to tear open that box.
Take hold of your first bottle and start using Super Memory Formula every single day.
And after you’ve been using it for a few months, I’m convinced you won’t want to be without it. You won’t want to face a day without
this cognitive breakthrough.
But if, for any reason, I’m wrong…
If you aren’t completely thrilled with your experience using Super Memory Formula … then you don’t pay a single cent.
All you need to do is call or email my U.S. based customer service team…
They’ll organize for you to return your bottles, whether they are opened or unopened… full or empty…
And as soon as we’ve received the bottles, we’ll refund your entire investment without any questions asked.
You've seen how the key to improving memory, focus, recall, and mental energy, all comes down to your ability to manage these harmful
And you’ve seen how the powerful ingredients inside Super Memory Formula tackle this head on, giving you and your brain a new lease on
And yet even with that being the case…
You still get a full 90-days to decide if Super Memory Formula is right for you…
So go ahead and click on one of the packages you see below right now and place your order for Super Memory Formula while there are
still bottles in stock.
And while it’s true that you can ignore everything you’ve read here today…
…including the impressive studies showing that the ingredients in Super Memory Formula can reduce your cortisol levels while improving
your cognitive function and preserving your precious memories…
…it’s ultimately up to you.
In fact, I wish you the utmost health and happiness.
I’ll also be concerned for you too because I know all too well that if you don’t do something about your cognitive decline…
Whether it’s Super Memory Formula or something else… then nothing will change.
Just imagine it’s three months from now, and you're still struggling to remember important events or details…
Worried about losing your cherished memories, your sense of identity, your mental sharpness...
When you had the chance to claim your very own supply of Super Memory Formula at a substantial savings… while there were still
bottles in stock.
Would you feel a tinge of regret that you didn’t try this amazing breakthrough risk-free today?
Then you owe it to yourself and your loved ones to make the more intelligent, simpler choice…
Which is to say “YES” to Super Memory Formula right now…
So go ahead and click on one of the packages below and claim your very own supply of this cognitive health breakthrough, while it’s
still available to the public and there are bottles in stock.
Your decision today is covered by a full 90-day, 100% Money Back Guarantee…
So, you truly have nothing to lose…
And an entirely renewed mental agility and memory to gain.
Ultimately the decision is yours, but I trust you’ll make the same choice that thousands of adults over 50 and memory loss patients have made on
this very webpage, and continue to make every day…
It’s time to make the no-risk decision…
Either you continue to experience starving brain syndrome...
Or you can start reclaiming your mental sharpness with Super Memory Formula. While others worry they may need care to survive,
you’ll have the peace of mind knowing you’ll have your razor-sharp mind and crystal-clear memories.
I wish you the best and believe you will say this was one of the wisest decisions of your life.
To Better Brain Health,